
Board Member Highlight: Jeremy Aguero

Published On: July 29, 2021
Following your dreams is the best thing you can do!

During our latest Ambassador virtual training, we had the chance to interview OV Board Member, Jeremy Aguero.

Jeremy is a principal analyst with Applied Analysis and has been with the firm since its inception in 1997. He is generally regarded as a leading expert on economic, fiscal, and policy issues.  He has worked with many clients including Boyd Gaming, the RTC, Station Casinos, and UFC (just to name a few!).  He has performed countless economic and fiscal impact assessments for projects of local, regional, and national significance.  His firm has also graciously worked on the Community Impact Assessment for Opportunity Village pro-bono for many years.  This report details the fiscal and economic impacts of OV’s services in the State of Nevada.  Jeremy has been on the Opportunity Village board since 2010 and has served as Chair, 1st Vice-Chair, 2nd Vice-Chair, and Secretary.

What is your favorite OV event?

Jeremy: It’s a hard one to decide what my favorite OV event has been. Because there have been so many of them. The one at the top of my mind now was the opening of Betty’s Village. Every year though, I enjoy bringing my family to the Magical Forest. I also always enjoy Camelot as it highlights the community getting behind something.

Have you ever had a dream too big to follow but you did anyway?

Jeremy: This is a great question. I believe in chasing those dreams whatever they are. I am not afraid to try something and fail. I just don’t want to not try. One of those dreams for me was I always wanted to learn how to fly an airplane. But I am deathly afraid of heights. You put me on the top of the Stratosphere Tower, you can’t bring me down fast enough. So I figured if I could learn to fly, I could get over my fear of heights. So I learned how to fly and did a couple of solo flights. I flew to the Grand Canyon and back. I don’t fly anymore for two reasons. Safety was always a concern. I’m not going to be a professional pilot and I have kids so I want to be safe. And it never got me over that fear of heights. So that was a dream I kind of followed because I loved and wanted to do it. I am proud that I made the effort. I am proud I worked on it. Right now the dream I’m following is learning how to play chess. I believe that following your dreams is the best thing you can do. That doesn’t mean that every one of those dreams has to come true. The adventure and greatness are in trying to learn something new and make that effort. It’s the journey that is really important to me.

Thank you Jeremy for your dedicated service on the Opportunity Village board since 2010. 

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